Boundary Disputes

Boundary disputes arise for a number of different reasons. There are a number of things to consider when boundary disputes do arise. The Land Registry pracitce guide 40, supplement 3 talks in detail about boudaries. We recommend One important thing to note is the extract below taken from this practice guide.

“A legal boundary is an imaginary invisible line dividing one person’s property from that of another. It is an exact line having no thickness or width and is rarely identified with any precision either on the ground or in conveyances or transfers and is not shown on Ordnance Survey mapping. Ultimately the exact position of a boundary, if disputed, can be determined only by the court or the Land Registration division of the Property Chamber, First-tier Tribunal.”

What is our role?


Our surveyors role in boundary disputes is to examine the problem objectively regardless of the clients preferred solution.

Collect Evidence

We will collect evidence using the latest surveying equipment on which we can give our opinion accurately on the boundary line.


Our surveyors role in boundary disputes is to examine the problem objectively regardless of the clients preferred solution.


We will collect evidence using the latest surveying equipment on which we can give our opinon acturatley on the boundary line.

What are our customers say

We’ve had the opportunity to work with some fantastic clients at Newman Surveying. Take a look at what some of them have said about us.

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